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ET GLOBAL for the services sector

  • Create excitement for your services, your company, your brands with fascinating experiences
  • Bring new trends and developments on stage – and into conversations
  • Beat competition with convincing live experiences

Brands worldwide we work for

New ways in communication

Requirements are constantly changing. We are leaders for experiential communications for sustainability, sharing economy, tech-ready apps, and client-centric experiences.



What live communication can achieve for services
75% of B2B firms surveyed say that experiential marketing is the most successful tactic among other marketing strategies."
Sweap Event Management Report


More than 55 years experience in live communication for services

in all their facets of communication, from transport to research and development. Aways, human beings are at the center.



Meet our service sector specialists.

Dierk Prüssing

Senior Executive Consultant

„Passion and experience for innovative solutions.“

Direct contact

Katja Rohmund

Project Manager

Direct contact

Mathias Wickboldt

Head of Business Development

"Together, we unleash the power that lies within your brand."

Direct contact

900 pros working for you

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Let's talk

Tell us about your goal

What is your challenge? We will get back to you within 48 hours